How to Create a Website for Lead Generation for Your Business

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It makes sense to optimise your website to create leads. But sadly, you can’t just put a “Click Here” button on your home page and wait for the leads to start coming in.

Instead, strategists need to be used by marketers and designers. In this article, we’ll go over a few short strategies for lead generation website optimization.

We must first develop a fundamental grasp of the lead generation process before we can comprehend how to optimise our website.

What factors come into play when a website visitor converts to a lead?

When a website visitor clicks on a call-to-action (CTA) present on one of your site pages or blog articles, the lead generation process normally gets started. This CTA directs users to a landing page with a form that asks for their contact information. The visitor is directed to a thank-you page after completing and submitting the form. 

After reviewing the fundamentals of lead creation, we may move on to the specifics.


How to Make Your Website Lead Generation Ready

Let’s explore some straightforward techniques for lead generation website optimization.

1. Increase the number of forms on the most popular pages.

Before you start, it’s crucial to analyse your existing lead-generating performance so you can monitor your progress and identify the areas that most require improvement. You may not even be aware of the fact that some of your pages could be outstanding lead generators.

Start by doing an audit of your lead generators, which are the sources of the majority of your online traffic and marketing. Here are some typical locations where a business may receive visitors:

Email marketing: Users that visit your website through one of your emails may drive traffic to it.

Social media: Users that participate in a campaign through one of your social media profiles may drive traffic.

Live chat: Users who utilise your website’s live chat feature to contact your customer care staff may bring you traffic.

Blog Entries: Your best-performing blog posts may bring in traffic.

Make sure the landing pages your leads are landing on are doing all possible to pique a visitor’s interest once you’ve determined where your leads are coming from.

For instance, updating the pages they are viewing with information that keeps them on and engaging with your website is the next step if, through your analytics tool, you discover that the majority of your potential leads are clicking on inbound links to your website from your Facebook page. Include longer-form content that visitors can access through forms that request their contact information on your most popular website pages.

2. Make each stage of the lead creation process more effective

You better not link to a snow-clearing consultation from a blog post about “10 Ways To Improve Your Lawn Care Regimen” if your visitor arrived there after searching for “lawn care tips” on your website. Make sure your offers are pertinent to the page they are on in order to capitalise on website users’ enthusiasm for a certain topic.

You can start gaining knowledge about a visitor’s conversion route as soon as they arrive on your website. This process begins when a visitor comes to your website and hopefully concludes with them submitting a form and turning it into a lead.

But occasionally a visitor’s journey doesn’t lead to the intended destination. You can improve the conversion path in those circumstances.

The three essential components of the lead generation process should be tested if you want to conduct an A/B test on a landing page:

The Calls to Action (CTAs) 

Use colours from your website that are in contrast. Keep it straightforward and use a platform like Canva to quickly, effortlessly, and cost-free generate images. For examples of different calls-to-action (CTAs), you can test on your blog, read this blog post.

The Landing Pages

Companies with 30+ landing pages on their website produced 7X more leads than those with 1 to 5 landing pages, according to a HubSpot survey.

Thank-You Pages

In the lead generation process, landing pages frequently receive all the attention. But you shouldn’t ignore the thank-you page, which a visitor is directed to after submitting a form on the landing page and becoming a lead.

On your thank-you page, be sure to express gratitude and include a link so that your new lead can really download the offer. Social media sharing buttons and even a form for a different, related offer are also options.

Email With The Kickback

You have the option to send a kickback email, sometimes known as a “thank-you” email, to a visitor who converts into a lead and whose information is added to your database.

The engagement rates (opens and click-throughs) of kickback emails were twice as high as those of regular marketing emails. Utilise kickback emails as a chance to include a very precise CTA and promote sharing on social media and email.

3. Begin with a straightforward CTA on your homepage.

The CTA is what retains a person’s attention if the design of your webpage is what draws them in. Don’t constantly invite visitors to view your most extensive or intricate stuff, nevertheless.

Your site should provide a free trial or a subscription to a recurring campaign, like a newsletter since it is at the top of the marketing funnel. Think about putting one of the following CTAs on your website’s home page:

“Subscribe to Updates”

Consumers expect their browsing to be as non-intrusive as their shopping, generally speaking. They frequently aren’t prepared to buy when they first visit your website.

By inviting them to sign up for an email that tells them about business trends and product updates, you may introduce yourself to them without any effort or commitment on their behalf. Follow up personally with those who choose to remain on this email list to determine their level of interest and ultimately convert them to marketing-qualified leads (MQLs).

“Try Us for Free”

The lifeblood of a developing business is free trials and demos. They enable you to develop a contact list of leads who are currently testing your product and generate demand in your business.

Use a CTA and a form to collect names and emails on your homepage and offer a free trial of your product for a short period of time. Follow up with the user to learn their thoughts after each active product demo.

4. Make your CTAs unique.

You may customise each unique web visitor’s experience by using dynamic content. Visitors to your website will see graphics, buttons, and product choices that are specially selected based on their preferences, previous purchases, or pages they have read.

Even better, customised calls to action convert visitors 42% more effectively than standard calls to action. In other words, personalised on-page content and dynamic content can increase your lead generation.

5. Test, test, test.

This step of the procedure cannot be emphasised enough. Your click-through rates will increase dramatically if you use A/B testing.

For instance, friend buy discovered a 211% increase in click-throughs on their calls-to-action after doing a straightforward A/B test. A small test of your CTA’s language, your landing page’s design, or the photos you’re utilising can have a significant impact, as friend buy discovered. 

6. Take care of your leads

Keep in mind that no lead will suddenly become a customer. You can only get quality leads if you nurture them.

After a lead submits a form on your landing page, add them to a process so they don’t forget about you and send them relevant, helpful material. With pertinent follow-up emails that include quality content, lead nurturing should get started. As you raise them, find out as much as you can about them, and then make every subsequent sends more suited to them.


Final Wrap Up

To close sales and expand your business, you need leads. With the help of the aforementioned advice, you can seize every chance without letting disgruntled website visitors leave.

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