Reasons Why Your Mobile App Needs an SEO Strategy

Reasons Why Your Mobile App Needs an SEO Strategy

The amount of data and information in the digital world is unfathomably vast, like an infinite ocean. Everyone has the chance to be seen in the large area, but it also acts like quicksand and will quickly draw you into the “cloud” of invisibility. No matter how original the idea for your app is, you won’t be found by your users until you implement a well-thought-out SEO approach. Did you know that your mobile apps need a little thing called ASO, or app store optimization, much like a website needs a decent SEO strategy? Continue reading to discover some simple search tips you can use to expand your consumer base and strengthen the reach of your business. What is SEO? Have you ever thought about your search engine usage? In a Google search, keywords are king. Artificial intelligence doesn’t read or even respond well to lengthy, complex sentences; instead, it makes quick connections using search engine keywords. This is exactly what SEO, or search engine optimization, achieves by ensuring that your search results are pertinent and that your experience is nearly effortless. In summary, SEO simplifies your life and Google search. SEO gives you the chance to surpass all of them and gives you higher visibility on the search results, even if there will always be a tonne of other businesses creating the apps and writing the same content as you are. SEO is like a super-fast librarian who can bounce from website to website swiftly and provide you the knowledge you need in a matter of seconds. The librarian in the case of a website is a group of tiny bots that comb through the webpages and present the data that is most pertinent to you. Specific SEO tools and plugins are needed for the SEO process. With regard to keyword selection and natural usage throughout the page, SEO tools can inform you of the general health of your website. It aids in identifying potential flaws and growth opportunities. For your website to be successful, SEO plugins and tools must be used properly. What is ASO? A subset of SEO is called app store optimization (ASO). It ensures that your customers can see your apps and that more people are exposed to your brand. The entire globe may now fit in the palm of our palms or on our smartphones. By making nearly all of our daily needs attainable, these little machines have taken control of our lives. You name it, it does anything, whether it is social interactions or financial transactions. There is a huge market opportunity in this space as all of these tasks must be carried out by apps on mobile devices. It is not unexpected that there are a tonne of apps in the app stores that do practically the same thing. App store optimization will help your app stand out from the competition by ensuring that users can find you in search results on Google Play, Apple App Store, and other app stores. Results from app store searches operate similarly to how other search engines do. It uses keywords to highlight your app to consumers naturally. Is it Really Very Necessary to Optimise your App? You need search engine optimization in addition to app store optimization if you want to expand the reach of your business, be seen by your existing customers, and attract new ones. What do you do when a question or doubt arises in your mind? You search it in google, isn’t it? Google promptly offers the apps that can assist you with that issue along with the answer. This is precisely why you need optimization—so that Google will recommend your app as a solution when your customers are looking for one. You might think that the app store is the only place where your app is significant, so why bother with SEO? The reason for this is that only 40% of apps are discovered through app store searches; the remaining 60% are discovered through other means, including personal connections, social sharing, advertisements, business websites, and other search engines. You must therefore take good SEO into account if you want to appear higher on the list of suggested apps. The Justification for Optimising Mobile Applications Optimization increases visibility, and visibility has a tonne of great benefits for both your business and your app. It can Help you in the Growth of Organic Installation Advertising is undoubtedly the first thing that comes to mind when considering how to contact more people; after all, that is how you may already be reaching or intend to reach customers. Advertising, however, has a high price tag, and in some cases, it may cost you much more than it earns you. There is a potential that, if app store optimization and SEO are taken care of, your business can avoid losing substantial sums of money and, as a result, develop earnings through organic installations. If your app is properly optimised, clients may find it while they are looking for apps that fit their needs and perhaps get an app preview. If your users enjoy your app, they will naturally continue this chain of events by sharing it on social media, ensuring an organic reach to new users. Additionally, social sharing attests to your customers’ confidence. As a result, new users who believe their friends who posted about your software will regard it favourably. More and More Appropriate users have the chance to Discover your App If they require your app or not, it doesn’t matter how many people you reach out to or how many users you have. When you optimise your app for search engines and the app store, users who are seeking for your app or perhaps terms related to your app are sent to your page. This ensures that you may use the proper keywords to draw clients who want to find the software and are prepared to click the download button. When stating what your software performs or when adding the

Benefits of Mobile App

Benefits of Mobile App

We take a look at the benefits of mobile apps for business and why a mobile responsive website and a native mobile app are not mutually exclusive. Optimizing your business for a mobile world is as important as ever. It’s projected that in 2017 over a third of the world’s population will own a smartphone while in Ireland 86% of the population already has access to one. Smartphone adoption figures like these highlight why mobile is the dominant channel for many businesses wishing to win and retain customers. Therefore one of the first steps when looking to improve the online presence of your business or organisation should be to mobilize your website. Responsive Web Design The term “Responsive Design” was coined by Ethan Marcotte back in 2010 and it quickly gained traction as a cost-effective way to modernize your website for each device size. Today the responsive approach to web design is integral to many mobile marketing strategies, and has been widely attributed with vast leaps in customer-friendly user experience and a dramatic up-tick in SEO performance and site conversions for visitors on mobile devices. On the flip-side, a poorly implemented responsive site can be slow and clunky, but only if it the correct techniques are not followed (UXPin). However a slick responsive site with correctly optimized images is a joy to behold. So moving on to native mobile apps – what are they and how can they help your business? What Are Native Mobile Apps? Ever since the release of The App Store by Apple in 2008, the demand for native mobile apps surpassed all expectations. Today an estimated 2.2 million apps are now available on the App Store while 2.6 million apps can be found on Google Play. What makes these apps very different to a mobile website is that they are developed specifically for one platform, and can take full advantage of all your smartphone device features. These features can include the device camera, GPS, accelerometer, compass, contact list and fingerprint scanning. Native apps can also use the device’s notification system with capabilities of working offline. Native Mobile Apps For Your Business When considering a native mobile app for your business you should define the objectives for the app. Objectives might include improving customer service, enhancing your loyalty program or improving internal communications. Your app should have a specific function that cannot effectively be accomplished on your responsive site. Some of the business benefits of native apps include the following: 1. More Completed Transactions Transactions on native mobile apps are completed 120% more for retailers than on mobile websites. This figure is significantly higher due to the experience a native app can provide for the customer while minimising distractions often provided by a web browser. Industries that can benefit: retail and travel. 2. Enhanced Customer Loyalty Loyalty programs can also be integrated into the platform offering points to customers who show the app at any location thus eliminating the need to carry a physical loyalty card, further enhancing the shopping experience for the customer. Industries that can benefit: retail and restaurant. 3. Improved Customer Engagement Customers who have your native app installed can be sent discounts, coupons and special offers using push notifications. Furthermore a business can use geo-targeting (GPS) to send time and location sensitive messages to customers who are close to one of their locations. Apps that are successful here can yield many benefits, as Arnotts saw with their Christmas Gift App for daily coupons. Industries that can benefit: retail, travel and telecommunications. 4. Self Service Convenience People don’t like to have to work for their information. A native mobile app will allow your customer base to easily find information on your company or products. With additional self service options customers can manage their accounts and even pay bills as necessary. Such features can also help reduce the need for a customer to contact the call center of a business. A great example of this type of app is the Thornton Recycling self-service app which provides customers with the ability to top up and manage their accounts while also receiving notifications regarding service days. Industries that can benefit: telecommunications, banking & finance, utilities and renewable & environment. 5. Better Internal Communication Internal business communications is an ideal area to look at for mobile efficiencies, empower employees to work away from their desk and make repeatable processes as easy and accessible as possible. These could include field service communications, reports and safety checks, holiday requests, expense submissions and training guides. All industries with businesses that use paper-based processes, an intranet or other back-end systems for communication and reports will benefit here. A Two-Pronged Approach? Once you’re familiar with the relative benefits of mobile responsive sites and native apps it becomes clear that they are not mutually exclusive so a two-pronged approach often makes the most sense. Where a responsive website excels is in customer discovery and information, whilst a native app can excel in many areas such as customer account management and loyalty, as well as mobile business communications and internal reporting. In the end, the key takeaway is that each channel can fulfill different but complementary objectives based on your specific business needs.

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