How to Update Old Content for SEO

If you are writing a blog then sometimes you think that you have written a masterpiece like Macbeth. But to make it a masterpiece there are also various processes that you need to follow because blogs are evergreen and timely content. Pop culture events, Blogs, and news contents are focused in case of timely content. On the other hand, evergreen content provides value for a long period of time and remains pertinent. Updating old content is a rare thing to do because with the passage of time, it’s old news and its relevancy got expired. But reviving old and evergreen content could be of much use. Website traffic comes from backlinks and it takes time for an old content to obtain backlinks, i.e., since an old content has become backdated so it ahs less likely to acquire and receive new backlinks. If you update your old contents, then it will help to keep the backlinks that you already had, plus you can also have new backlinks by strengthening the authority and value to your content with new and fresh information. Updating or reviving an old content is not a simple and one-time job. Let’s take a tour through this article about how can you update your contents and what other benefits you can get from it. How can you Update your Old Blog Posts? Here are some steps that you need to keep in mind while updating your old blog contents:- Targeting New Keywords Do you know how old is your blog? If it depends on the initial public date then are two things that might be true: i) Your were targeting keywords based on search volume and keyword difficulty. ii) You couldn’t apply proper keywords without proper knowledge of SEO. Search volumes helps in indicating how many web users are using that keyword or search terms while entering it into the search engines. This is referred to as mainly as MSV (Monthly Search Volume) and how much traffic is there is predicted. Search volumes are evaluated using keyword difficulty – it is a measure to indicate that how a keyword is difficult to rank on the first page of the SERP. But niether keyword difficulty nor search volumes can help you determining your target keywords. If search volume is related to how many people are searching for that particular target keyword, then high scratch volume is more keywords and it is affected by keyword difficulty directly. So, the best option for you is to opt for both. You can also utilsie tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs Keyword Explorer. Keyword research is a very important part of SEO. However, you also have to go for the other On-Page activities to improve the ranking of your contents. Updating the On-Page SEO Implementing and updating your old SEO strategy on an old content requires to fulfill some key areas: SEO Title Tag The first thing that we all see in the SERP is the clickable headings which leads us to webpage and it is called a Title tag. You can upadte this title tag to refelct any new targetted keywords. Meta Descritpion It consist of long texts of description present right beneath the title tag. You can also include your targeted keywords so that the web users can find the purpose of your blog. A good and attractive meta description can make your users either click to your content or else they will look for another website result. Title of the Article Most of the bloggers doesn’t realise sometimes that the SEO title tag and the article title doesn’t need to be same. The title tag appears on the SERPs, wheras the article title shows on the destination page. You need to update the article title with new targeted keywords as well. Subheadings Subheadings are an outline of your content. Before reading your article, your audience will first check whether it is really worth reading or not. So you need to add your targeted keywords to the main header of your content. It will help to keep the relevance of your content and also help to receive a very good ranking. Updating the Body of the Content Updating the body of your content is another main factor that you need to go for. You should start by making rewrite to the introduction. After then you have to replace the old and outdated connect with the current information. You should also update the internal links as you update the old contents. Internal Links to New Contents An important process to boost SEO is to adding links to revive your old article content. Links can help in increasing the credibility of your post and can also help to get a good ranking in the SERPs. This can be done in two ways:- Look for broken links that takes web suer to 404 Error page. If they click a link which they find nothing over there it can lead to harassment and frustration to your audience and hence can lead to the diminishing the quality of your website. You have to either repair, remove or redirect any broken links You need to refresh the internal links. It helps you to keep your audience on your website for a longer period of time, improves SEO and boosts the quality of your content. You should add new links to your website as you update your contents. Adding and Optimising New Videos and Images High quality articles also comprise of high quality images. There are several benefits of placing high quality video and images to content:- Help in increasing the user time of your page. Help in getting more traffic Help in encouraging sharing on social media. I also helps your post to understand easily Here are some steps to revive your old blog posts with images:- Look for the appropriate image – You should look for the right images or videos for your article. If you have budget then you can go for a