Most Effective B2B and B2C Digital Marketing Strategies

Both the B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Customer) forms of businesses have vast differences from each other, in terms of types of business but when it comes to driving business growth and generating leads it has quite a few similarities. To achieve both goals, we have to look for the right business strategy in either of the two business models. This can be a little tricky and time-consuming as well. So let’s explore through this article the proper marketing strategies that we can use for the two types of businesses – B2B and B2C. Types of Strategies can be used in the B2B Sector Are you curious to know what the business professionals would think about the different marketing strategies? Let’s take a look at some of these topics in case of B2B Marketing strategy. Content Marketing Content Marketing is more of an informative rather than direct selling. This kind of marketing approach uses contents to attract customers while they perform online searches. The types of contents include infographics, podcasts, blogs, webinars and many more. Video contents are also included along with the mentioned types of contents and it is the most effective and trending format in the field of Content Marketing. Advantages of Content marketing in B2B form of business:- • Helps in building up of brand awareness and visibility. • It also helps in drawing potential customers through sales funnel. • Supports content relevancy and target markets. Inbound Marketing One of the most effective forms of marketing in the B2B business is Inbound Marketing Ask why? It is simply because it is built in such a way that with meaningful contents it will attract and engage with the customers. Inbound Marketing sends invitation for engagements by shooting messages strategically at the right target and at the right time and due to this it helps to drive website traffic and leads effectively. Advantages of Inbound marketing in B2B form of business:- • It is suitable for any size and type of businesses. • It helps in creating informative prospects. • It can be managed and integrated easily by CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and CMS (Customer Management System). Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing kind of comes hand in hand with Content Marketing. Posting relevant or appropriate and attractive images or videos on Social Media has a great chance to drive engagements from the audience. It also promotes your brand with these relevant contents. Advantages of Social Media marketing in B2B form of business:- • Helps to generate leads and at a less cost. • It also helps to drive brand awareness and engagements. • It also improves and supports performance of SEO through wide distribution of contents and backlinking opportunities. Search Engine Marketing In case of Search Engine Marketing, you can make your business website rank in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). So a search engine, especially Google which is commonly used throughout the world, if your website ranks well in the Result Pages, then it will not only have a chance to increase your ranking but you can also have a chance increasing the number of visitors or traffic to your website. In addition to that it will also help to build reputable brand awareness. The processes that can be undertaken consist of two ways. One is unpaid or free method which is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and another is paid process which is called Pay per Click (PPC). Advantages of Search Engine marketing in B2B form of business:- As said previously that blogging or blog posting is a also a part of Content Marketing strategy. There are many benefits of SEO. Especially if periodical and proper blog post with the right SEO technique have a chance to get a good rank of the audience and also build the perfect number of traffic. It is the most effective way to keep your brand competitive. In case of PPC or Ads, you can get leads from various sources whether it is from the SERPs or from the banner ads that is sometimes displayed in some websites. So basically it helps to spread your website in all platforms. Types of Strategies can be used in the B2C Sector In case of B2C marketers, they are trying to make strategy for the following forms of Marketing. Influencer Marketing For brand promotion, Influencer marketing creates social followings and a very good reputation. Influencers endorses and does product placements and provides quite a good return in the B2C businesses. Due to this reason more than 60% of the marketers are including Influencer Marketing as their planning strategy. Paid Media Influencer Marketing is not the only marketing strategy involved in the B2C form of business. Through Earned or Paid Media, they sue to manage their brands. Almost 75% of marketers are using paid media contents distribution. Audio and Video Contents The top B2C trends are the audio and video Contents. Though between both, social media video are much more engaging and helpful in targeting the audience. Audio contents generally involved in podcasts, are also quite helpful in this segment of marketing. Some people do listen to audio podcasts and with the help of it, audience engagement are made. It’s like listening to a music or radio. But we cannot deny the fact that videos are much more helpful in driving leads and audiences than any other medias. So now you have an idea about the types of marketing strategies that can be utilized in the two types marketing – B2B and B2C. So whatever your business is, you are suggested to choose the right kind of strategy for the proper growth of your business.